Friday 13 February 2015

Epic Reads Booktag

I am so sorry for the lack of updates lately, but I have been down with the cold. I'm much better now and therefore updates will once more be posted at least once a week.
Today I'm doing the Epic Reads book tag. I was tagged by Bella over at Bella's Bokblogg. I have to start off by saying that I'm absolutely horrible when you point a camera at me, but I made do. Hopefully, you will enjoy. As you might also notice, my editing skills are zero to none, so it is a very basic video. 

Question 1: If you could invite one author and one of their fictional characters to tea, who would you invite and what would you serve them?
Question 2: What book do you wish the author would write a prequel for? 
Question 3: Which two characters (NOT from the same book) do you think would make a good couple?
Question 4: If you ran in to your favorite author on the subway and only could say one sentence to them who is it and what would it be? 
Question 5: What book made you a reader and why?
Question 6: Your bookshelf just caught on fire. Show us the one book you save. 
Question 7: Which dystopian world would you want to live in if you had to choose one? Why?
Question 8: What is your most epic read of all time?
When you are done with the questions, tag some people and then do the book shimmy. (Cat's are optional)
I hope you enjoyed!