Friday 2 January 2015

2015 Challenges!

2015 is finally here! With a new year it's time to start some new challenges. Challenges are fun and will probably make it so much easier for me to pick out books to read. Yay me! I'm going to officially start three challenges today, but knowing me there will probably be some more challenges during the year (I'm extremely competitive, you have been warned). 
The first challenge is the 2015 Reading Challenge from
 (if you can't read the picture just click the link).
Several of the things in the challenge will be quite easy, all but a book from a pulitzer price winner and a book from my hometown will be super easy to finish. I live in a smallish town in Sweden so not many people have written books about where I live, but when me and my friend looked it up there was one book that takes place in my hometown. Not sure if it's good though... Ah well, that's the first challenge,

The second challenge is Finish That Series Challenge!
Guide lines:
1. Series must be FINISHED in order for them to count.
2. If the series isn't complete yet, you must read up to the most recent book in said series.
3. Novellas are optional.
4. You do not have to start the series in 2015, just finish it.
5. The series has to have at least 2 books out prior to December of 2015.
I've already made a post where I've added the books I'm aiming to read during the challenge. There are however book series that have been added since I've made that list so I will post an updated list in a new blog post. 

The third challenge is my goodreads challenge, which is my goal for 2015. I aim to read at least 70 books this year, and since I have so many series to finish I doubt that it will be a problem to reach and surpass that goal. 

So, that's my goals and challenges for 2015. Do you have any challenges you aim to do during 2015? Are you joining any of the ones I'm doing?

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