Tuesday 24 March 2015

top ten tuesday -- ten books from our childhood/teen years we'd like to revisit

Can't believe it's already Tuesday again! Time just flies by at the moment. This week it's top ten books from our childhood/teen years we'd like to revisit. To be honest, I could fill up most of this list with the Harry Potter books but I will restrain myself, I promise. 
  1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling. Yeah, I said I would restrain myself, not exclude them from the list :P
  2. The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien. I loved this book and read the whole trilogy in less than a week. 
  3. Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings. It's the first book in the Belgariad series and this along with the rest of the books is just pure brilliance. 
  4. Guardian of the West by David Eddings. This is the first book in the sequel series to the Belgariad, and this whole series is also pure brilliance. 
  5. Polgara the Sorceress by David Eddings. I had a period in my life when I devoured Eddings books. Loved them.
  6. The Black Stallion by Walter Farley. Horses were one of my biggest passion as a child/teen so I've read many horse books in my life. 
  7. Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. This was the first book of Pratchett's that I read and it made me fall helplessly in love with the Discworld.
  8. Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren. I loved everything about Pippi and wanted to be her. Still have all the books.
  9. The Brother's Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren. I still cry every time I read the book or see the film. Adore this book so much. 
  10. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. I remember loving this book mostly because of the symbols and hidden codes.
So that's my top ten. Weird combinations in there, but those are the books that I wouldn't mind reading over and over again or be able to scrub from my mind so I can read them without any expectations.

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