Friday 5 December 2014

The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer

(photobomb from my cat Thorin)

Original Title: The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell
Year Published: 2013
Published by: Little, Brown and Company
Number of Pages: 464
First Sentence: "The dungeon was a miserable place."
Goodreads rating: 3/5

Alex and Conner Bailey's world is about to change. When the twins' grandmother gives them a treasured fairy-tale book, they have no idea they're about to enter a land beyond all imagining: the Land of Stories, where fairy tales are real.

My thoughts:
First of all, I need to stress the fact that this is a children's book. It's target audience is children and that is obivious when you read it. The language is choppy and quite simple (for obvious reasons) and for an adult reader that is sometimes slightly annoying. The story is weirdly paced at times; Colfer stress over parts that should have been longer and then the other way around with parts that should have been shorter.

It is however still a good story. You get to met classic Disney characters in a new way, as Colfer envisions this story to take place after all the classic fairy tales have. If I had kids I wouldn't hesitate to read this to them or let them read it themselves. For anyone under the age of 13 this is a brilliant book, but when you are 24 like me you expect a little bit more. However, I was still entertained and enjoyed reading this book.

Do I recommend it?
If you have children then most definitely. I have to be honest and say that I will not purchase the two other books in this trilogy, but if I had had children I would have bought them immediatly.

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